Monday, November 5, 2012

Cutting and Pasting: A Senior Thesis by (Insert Name)

In Brent Staples thesis “Cutting and Pasting: A Senior Thesis By (Insert Name)” (2010) Staples informs his readers that plagiarism has become a major problem in different college students writings. He proves this by showing the evidence given to him by different college professors, and what they have told him about their student’s writings. The purpose of this is to inform college students on how this is major problem and should stop. The intended audience is college professors and college students.

Overall after reading “Cutting and Pasting: A Senior Thesis By (Insert Name)” We are not shocked that this is a problem. Whenever a student is assigned to write a paper, they usually end up doing their research online. So, it becomes easy for a copy and pastes something over when they get stuck. The in class writing assignment mentioned in the beginning by the professor to get an accurate, internet free reading is a great idea.

We believe the main focus of the reading was to inform his readers that plagiarism has become a major problem in different college student’s writings. He states” A friend who teaches at a well-known eastern university told me recently that plagiarism was turning him into a cop” (147). His friend the professor then describes how he has evidence proving it “He begins the semester collecting evidence, in the form of an in-class essay that gives him a sense of how well students think and write, He looks back at the samples later when students turn in papers that feature their own, less-than-perfect prose alongside expertly written passages lifted verbatim from the Web” (147). From what we can tell after reading this the issue is only going to worsen. One solution we can think of is to give some type of guidance to student’s just starting college on how to write a paper without going on the internet.  

Monday, October 8, 2012

“Black Characters in Search of Reality”

In Brent Staples essay “Black Characters in Search of Reality” (2012), he states that African Americans play roles in many of today’s dramatic works from being in billboards and commercials to being on television advertisements for pharmaceuticals, real estate, and financial services that are stereotypical.   Brent trying to inform his readers that African Americans are being unfairly represented in today’s dramatics arts and that today’s black community is ready for change. I believe the intended audience for this writing is any of today’s African Americans and other Americans.

Overall after reading “Black Characters in Search of Reality” I agree with what Staples stated. In some cases it’s true that there was racism in media back in the past but in today’s society things have changed. Today’s media has changed in many different degrees and so has the roles and representation of African American on television and in the media as well.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Power of Will

Mind over Matter

In Dianna Tice’s article study, “How Can We Get Willpower Back Once It Has Been Depleted?,” Dianne gives several was to which will increase your ability to control one’s self. She begins to state that her study is still in progress, with questions still unanswered but reveals to us her found evidence on gaining willpower. Tice brings forth five simplistic ways to maintain and increase self-control in order to refrain from a depleted determination. With the efforts of attracting all people Dianne’s audience was broad because we all encounter powerlessness within some shape of form.

After reading I was enlightened and motivated to pursue the changes Tice advised. It made complete sense as far as analyzing your habits and making adjustments to help your overall drive. Little by little you can tweak your daily life occurrences for a bigger cause of self-empowerment. Everything one does has an effect, what you eat, how long you sleep, caffeine intake, and attitude are all factors in personal discipline. Get more sleep, eat appropriately, be happy, and exercise your tenacity and the outcome should only better your stride for greatness.

Being depleted or drained of grit leaves you vulnerable, lazy, and sluggish. Diane Tice provides an antidote to this sickness. And admit it; we’ve all been ill in this sense too often. “Willpower takes energy,” (132) which is why being properly nourished, well rested, in a good mood, and practice is a necessity to be potent. She makes this a point with avid resources to back her claim within every statement. Tice happens to use several parentheses to clarify her meanings. For example”…willpower is a muscle, and although it can get tired (depleted) with use, it can also get stronger with exercise.”(132) It’s apparent she wants you to take heed to what is being said with so many examples and extra detail so that you can incorporate your life to the essay. She hits the nail on the head referring to caffeine, America’s drug, as a will power with the lack of restraint (132). Tice uses our daily needs to give a comparative analysis on ways to change bad habits so that depletion of your will doesn’t occur. Make those tiny changes; the outcome is far more greater than the loss. Let’s face it, A more productive life is a better one.  

Monday, October 1, 2012

Infidelity, For Chimps and Chumps

In Wendy Shalit’s narrative study, "Is Infidelity Natural? Ask the Apes "(2010), Shalit is giving her opinion on relationships, monogamy, infidelity, and whether or not men are wired to cheat.  She goes into detail about the roles of a woman and the roles of a man, and how they are irrelevant when it comes to sexuality. I believe that she is reaching out to the people that are trying to make excuses for a men and their infidelity, those that believe they are wired to do so.

Considering that I am a young woman that has dealt with the infidelity of a man I feel that I have to strongly agree. I feel she gave vivid examples that supported her claims. I found it very interesting when she stated the men cheat whether the other woman is making a little amount of money or making a lot of money. To me that one sentence proved that no matter what the reason, men just cheat. Before this I felt that men were cheaters and that there was no excuse for infidelity, and this passage just set my morals in stone.

 The message that was received through this text was men do not have an excuse when it comes to infidelity, and that is a choice. For example in this essay Wendy Shalit stated “Let’s face it- the new “science" of infidelity is just not very scientific. It certainly provides a “out” to deny personal responsibility....” (118) Shalit is basically stating that the “science” is not real science, and that it is only fictional crap made up to give men an excuse to cheat, and not take personal responsibility for their infidelity. This shows me to keep believing in my beliefs and not to let men cheat. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

"The World of Happiness Report" Part 2

In John Helliwell, Richard Layard, and Jeffrey Sachs report: “The World of Happiness Report" part 2 (2012), they go on to discuss how policy making should be changed if the greater goal were to be world happiness. They also go back to elaborate on the evidence from chapter one, and they also discuss the new policy priorities. They made this to elaborate on the previous chapter, and to discuss other objectives that contribute to happiness. We believe the intended audience is anyone who wants world happiness or is for it.

Reading this at first was a little confusing, but after remembering what explained to us about the world’s happiness and overall well-being as we continued to read. We were able to understand that GNP is a valuable goal, but should not be pursed to the point where economic stability is put in jeopardy and that basic living standards are essential for happiness. Also we believe this is very informative for people who want to purse world happiness or is already.

We believe the main focus of the second part report was to give a deeper analysis on what was said in the first part. Mostly about overall happiness and well-being of the world and the people who live in. Also they inform us on some new policies while giving us some information on GDP and how it is important. They state “The first lesson of happiness research is that GDP is valuable goal but that other things also matter greatly” (103). Basically there saying it’s ok to purse GDP but not to the point where economic stability is imperiled.

Monday, September 24, 2012

"The World of Happiness Report" Part 1

In John Helliwell, Richard Layard, and Jeffrey Sachs report: “The World of Happiness Report (2012) it’s a book that explains that is possible to reach a state of world happiness through the different steps listed in it. Helliwell, Layard, and Sachs inform their readers that world happiness is important for the world related to economy, environment and other issues. They made this report to encourage other countries to change their objectives and goals to world happiness. We believe the intended audience is anyone who wants world happiness or is for it.

Overall after reading the report, I agree with the idea of world happiness. To us it’s inspiring to see someone so passionate and driven about what goes on in the world and its well-being. I also believe this motivates and give hope to people who have given up on the world.

We believe the main focus of Helliwell, Layard, and Sachs report was that the overall happiness and well-being of the world and the people who live in it, affect what type of society and environment we live in. So if we maintain a safe and stable environment the increase the quality of life people have and increase their happiness, the world would be in a better place. They state “we can do this by adopting styles and technologies that improve happiness (or life satisfaction) while reducing human damage to the environment” (91). Basically there saying that we need to come up with new technology that doesn’t cause human damage to the environment we live in, but increases are happiness.

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Biology of Emotion- What It May Teach Us about Helping People to Live Longer

Sara Rimer’s case study, “The Biology of Emotion- What It May Teach Us about Helping People to Live Longer,” (2011) explores that happiness and society play a role in the game of life. Rimer claims become factual once she presents percentage rates and study results of emotional vitality experiment.  She retorts questions that ensue past investigations that in turn answering subliminally. With unhealthy people in mind, she created the passage, hoping to send a positive message to be happy J.

I could not help but be delighted at the exertion to be blithe.  Rimer understood life has its challenges that would cause unwanted moods but we are in control. We have the power to ‘turn the other cheek’, make things bright in the face of darkness. An attitude change would not only repair ones situation but lighten hefty health effects.  A happy face keeps a healthy heart pace.

"Could a sunny outlook mean fewer colds and less heart disease?" is the question that Sara Rimer based her case study off of. In my personal opinion I believe that she is accurate in her conclusion. She stated that "serious sustained stress or fear can alter biological systems in a way that, over time, adds up to "wear and tear" and, eventually, illnesses such as heart disease..." I think that when you do stress it can effect you mentally and physically. It can alter your sleep patters, put stress on your brain, and ultimately your heart. So if I was asked if I agree with Rimer's research, my answer would be yes I believe that the more mental stress, unhappiness,anger etc that you have the more you increase your chances of hurting your body.